Essential Oil Safety, Physical Wellness
Beware of Hype – How to Use Essential Oils Safely
by Caryn Gehlmann
Over the last fifteen years it has been exciting to be part of the expanding aromatherapy community. As a clinical aromatherapist, this thrills me, and yet at times it also concerns me. I’m thrilled because I believe essential oils can benefit and support our health and wellness, both physically and emotionally.
My main concern is when unsafe application methods are spoken as absolutes by untrained individuals attempting to sell essential oils. There are no absolutes. Each of us being unique individuals, the choice of which essential oil and which application method to use is predicated on our unique circumstances in the moment. I see a great deal of misinformation being circulated, especially on the Internet, on how to use essential oils safely.
So you could say, I’m big on education when it comes to aromatherapy. That’s why I’m happy that we (finally!) have our new website which makes it easier for you to find answers to your questions on safety guidelines, dilution guidelines, tips for wellness practitioners and so much more. And if you can’t find what you’re looking for, please reach out to us!
What is aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oils to maintain and promote physical, psychological, and emotional balance. What exactly is an essential oil? Essential oils are the concentrated, volatile (defined as the measure of the tendency of a substance to vaporize), liquid and hydrophobic aroma compounds extracted from plants. The oils are produced in special plant cells, from the sun, air, soil, and water. They are highly complex and concentrated substances that hold most of the plant’s valuable therapeutic properties. Each essential oil has its own scent, properties and therapeutic value. Essential oils often consist of more than a hundred chemical components such as terpenes, esters, aldehydes, etc., which is why a single oil can have multiple properties and potential uses.
If you want to know how to use essential oils safely, it’s important to recognize each oil is unique and so is each person using it.
Can’t you just go off the recommendations of your friends or something you saw on social media? This is where caution is needed. Sometimes you get great ideas from others, yet as I mentioned earlier, there is also misleading information that can potentially cause harm. Which is why I always recommend personalized aromatherapy. Basically this is a personalized approach to this process by educating yourself regarding your options, listening to your body, and even at times, seeking the advice of your doctor. Personalized aromatherapy means you’re in the driver’s seat when it comes to your wellness choices.
A “one size fits all” approach to essential oils doesn’t work. Instead, you have to know about the unique properties of the essential oil you’re using and the recommended methods of application. Then you need to consider things like your age, your overall health, medical history, lifestyle, environment, and your personal scent preferences. As I like to say, “Your Nose Knows.” Two people can smell the same oil and have a completely different reaction. For example, one will find lavender relaxing, and the other will find it stimulating.
In 2018, we’re going to continue to share with you ways to use essential oils safely in your daily life. Be sure to take advantage of all the information in our blogs, newsletters, and on Facebook. We’ll also have more classes to introduce you to the world of aromatherapy. If you haven’t done so already, click here to download our free ebook. It’s our gift to you and is chock-full of safety information, blending suggestions and recipes you can use.