Outdoor & Active Life Style, Physical Wellness
Essential Oils for Energy & Motivation to Exercise
By Caryn Gehlmann, Clinical Aromatherapist

We all know the benefits of regular exercise. But finding the motivation to do it can be challenging. Don’t give up! An excellent way to make your exercise routine more pleasant and doable is to incorporate essential oils for energy and motivation! You’ll be surprised at how much they help you enjoy all the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of a regular exercise routine!
Here are a few of e3 staff favorite essential oil blends and single essential oils for energy and motivation. Try them and see if they help you keep your exercise routines fresh and exciting, too.
Peppermint Power
Peppermint essential oil is a great wake-up call if you like to exercise in the morning. It can clear away any mental fog and sluggishness. It’s also great for promoting healthy breathing, which is important when exercising!
Application tip: Try misting it on your skin before your workout. Mix 10-40 drops of essential oil in 4 ounces of water in a mister bottle. Shake well before each use and avoid getting the mist into the eyes.
Lemongrass Love
Feeling a little negative about your workout? Bring on your sunny mood with Lemongrass. It instantly helps put you in a better frame of mind. It’s also a great essential oil for muscle aches, muscle fatigue, and stiff joints.
Application tip: On your way to your workout, place 2-4 drops of lemongrass essential oil on a cotton ball or tissue. Put it in your pocket (or even your bra) where you can inhale the aroma or put it on the floor mat of your car if you’re driving to the gym.
Revitalize Rescue
Rather than reaching for another cup of coffee, which can be dehydrating before a workout, try e3 Revitalize Blend of essential oils to help you wake up. The bright citrus aromas of Mandarin, Grapefruit, Orange Sweet, and Bergamot create a cheerful blend universally loved.
Application tip: Mix 10-20 drops of essential oil in 1 tablespoon of fractionated coconut oil. Apply to pulse points, such as inner wrists, behind your knees, or the backs of your ankles.
Motivation Mojo
E3’s Pick Me Up Blend has citrusy scents as well as energizing Peppermint to uplift your spirits, renew your energy, and remind you of your goals. If you’re working a bit harder than usual with your exercise routine, or perhaps training for an event, this is a great blend to help you stay motivated.
Application tip: Make a chest rub by mixing 5-15 drops of essential oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil or fragrance-free, natural lotion. Apply to your upper chest and upper back to appreciate the aroma.
Roll On Recovery
It’s hard to get motivated to work out when you have joint pain. But you probably have discovered that “motion is lotion” so you want to keep moving. This conundrum can be addressed with e3’s Joint Relief Blend. You can use both before and after exercising, gardening, or other physical activity to ease pain, stimulate circulation, and reduce inflammation.
Application tip: Joint Relief roll-on makes for easy, convenient, and safe topical use. Throw it in your purse, pocket, or gym bag and you’ll have it wherever and whenever you need it.
These are some of our favorite essential oils for energy and motivation that keep us excited about our workout routines. But of course, everyone is different! I encourage you to experiment with different aromas and notice how your body and spirit respond. Would you like to learn how to “listen” to your nose? We invite you to take advantage of our free gift to you — our ebook, Listen to Your Nose – An Introduction to Aromatherapy. You’ll also receive a coupon for 20% off your first order.