Easy Personal Blending
Objective: To create a blend that elicits an Ahhhhh experience!
When we feel good it stimulates immune boosting natural chemicals that support the homeostasis and Well-Being of our Body, Mind & Spirit.
Allow your sense of smell to guide you to create personal blends that bring you to a natural place of balance and harmony.
Helpful Hints
- LET YOUR NOSE LEAD and your mind follow ~ choose essential oils based on what smells good to you
- 15-20 drops total for your blend
- Material: Test Strips, Pen, Blending Container
- Choose 3-5 of your favorite scent
- Place 1 drop of each on your test strip, make sure to write the name of the essential oil on the test strip. You can make your own test strips by cutting strips of card-stock paper. Mix and match/smell/your test strips until you find your favorite combination. FAN under your nose to sense what blends work best for you.
To Blend
- Start with 1 drop of each oil of your chosen oils and add to appropriate container
- Roll gently back and forth
- Dip a test strip into blend and sniff
Your nose and your body will know when you have created your “right” blend.
- To make adjustments to your blend, add 1 drop at a time.
- Make sure to record the number of drops of each oil used in your blend
Use 15-20 drops total in each of your blends – and remember to follow your own sense of knowing.
* Drops are approximate based on .05 ml per drop
Have you ever had a recipe with the measurements listed in drops but needed to convert the recipe to milliliter or ounces?
This convenient conversion chart can help you to make your blend with ease.
Convenient Conversion Chart
Size | Drops* | Oz. |
2.5 ml | 50 | .08 |
5 ml | 100 | .169 |
7.5 ml | 150 | .25 |
10 ml | 200 | .338 |
15 ml | 300 | .507 |
18 ml | 360 | .608 |
30 ml | 600 | 1 |
1/4 oz | 148 | .25 |
1/2 oz | 295 | .5 |
1 oz | 591 | 1 |
2 oz | 1183 | 2 |
4 oz | 2366 | 4 |
6 oz | 3549 | 6 |
8 oz | 4732 | 8 |
12 oz | 7098 | 12 |
16 oz | 9464 | 16 |
32 oz | 18927 | 32 |
64 oz | 37854 | 64 |