Children / Pregnancy, DIY
Kid-friendly Aromatherapy Tips & Tools
By Caryn Gehlmann, Clinical Aromatherapist
We want the very best future for our children, so we teach them healthy habits like good hygiene, proper nutrition and getting enough sleep. But one skill that is often overlooked — teaching our children to use kid-friendly aromatherapy! Not only is it a skill that helps them live better, it’s a fun way to connect with them.
Can essential oils help your child? Yes! Many parents and educators have found that aromatherapy can help calm a child who is anxious or stressed, promote sleep, and help with various wellness issues like sniffles, congestion or nausea. If you’re new to aromatherapy and using essential oils, or would like to gain more clarity on the topic of safe essential oils for children, you’re in the right place to find kid-friendly aromatherapy tips.
For a starter, I found this article by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to be very helpful — How Aromatherapy Can Help Children. Vanessa Battista, a pediatric nurse practitioner who has studied aromatherapy, gave great advice to parents. She said you need to get your children involved in the process and find a fragrance and a “tool” (application method) they like using. She explained, “Aromatherapy only works if a child enjoys the smell and finds it calming or uplifting. Different people have different smell preferences and associations.” I couldn’t agree more, like adults, children need to listen to their nose!
Below I share three scenarios where kid-friendly aromatherapy can be helpful along with suggestions for essential oil blends and application methods that are popular with kids. This is a great starting point for you as a parent to help your child tap into the therapy aroma can provide.
#1 – Kid-friendly aromatherapy blends for school
Whether your child is going to school or doing schoolwork at home, these blends can help them to concentrate and focus, or on the other hand, soothe anxiety if they’re stressed about a change in their routine. Be mindful that not all school systems allow the use of essential oils, so check the school policy where your children attend.
e3’s Concentrate, Revitalize and Pick Me Up blends are kid favorites that help them focus on their schoolwork. If anxiety or overstimulation is the main issue, Lavender, or e3’s Peace or Be Calm blends are great options.
Here’s a DIY blend you might want to try to get your child in the right frame of mind for school in the morning:
Wake Up Sleepyhead Blend
10 drops of Orange
10 drops of Spearmint
Add the essential oils to distilled water in a 4 oz spritzer bottle. A gentle and happy way to wake them is to lightly mist their bedroom, bathroom and kitchen each morning.
Here are some practical application tools for aromatherapy at school:
Aromatherapy Bracelet – Simply place a drop of your favorite essential oil on the lava beads. Your child can wear their bracelet to school and enjoy the gentle diffusion throughout the day.
Aromatherapy Inhaler – Inhalers can easily be tucked into pockets or backpacks for a quick aromatherapy moment on the go.
#2 – Child-friendly aromatherapy blends for bedtime
Many essential oils have been shown to have a calming effect, promoting natural, restful sleep. Lavender essential oil in particular has been extensively researched and appears to help people, including children, get to sleep. Other e3 blends that are helpful for bedtime include Sleeptime, Stress Relief, Relax, and Peace.
Here’s a DIY blend you might want to try with your child at night:
Sleepy Time Blend
12 drops Lavender
8 drops Chamomile Roman
Some parents like to run a diffuser in their child’s bedroom, however, depending on the age of the child, there can be safety concerns. Here are a couple of other ways to incorporate aromatherapy into your child’s bedtime.
Microwave Warmable Stuffed Animals — These cleverly designed stuffed animals are filled with the perfect amount of calming, dried French lavender. That way your child has the multi-sensory experience of holding onto something soft and cuddly, while enjoying kid-friendly aromatherapy. These cleverly designed stuffed animals have an internal diffusion cartridge hidden safely inside a “tushy” pocket. That way your child has the multi-sensory experience of holding onto something soft and cuddly while enjoying the relaxation of their favorite blend safely diffusing.
Spritz the Bedding – Spritzers combine essential oils with water in a spritzer bottle that you can mist on your child’s bedding and pillowcase. You can get the spritzers pre-made or learn how to make your own.
Aromatherapy Bath – If your child takes a bath before bed, try making it a relaxing aromatherapy bath by mixing a relaxing blend of essential oils with Epsom Salts. (You never want to add essential oils directly to water.)
#3 – Aromatherapy blends for child wellness
When your children aren’t feeling well, essential oil blends can often provide some comfort. There are a wide assortment of e3 blends to choose from if your child is struggling with headaches, tummy troubles, and more. Before choosing a blend, make sure to read the page to see if it’s appropriate for children.
Here are a couple of DIY blends you might want to try if your child has an upset stomach:
Go Poo (Constipation) Blend
4 drops Geranium
6 drops Patchouli
15 drops Mandarin
Blend together with 5 ml of carrier oil. At bedtime using a small amount of oil, massage the whole of their abdomen with gentle movements working around the belly button in a clockwise direction starting on the child’s right side up and over, down the left side, and repeat.
Tummy Troubles (Diarrhea) Blend
5 drops Ginger
8 drops Chamomile Roman
8 drops Orange Sweet
Blend together with 50 ml of carrier oil (Calendula, Sweet Almond, or Fractionated Coconut Oil). Using a small amount of oil, massage the whole of their abdomen with gentle movements working around the belly button in a clockwise direction starting on the child’s right side up and over, down the left side, and repeat. Since diarrhea is often the result of nervous tension, you can also rub it in the soles of their feet.
What are some other application methods that work well for children?
Roll-ons – e3’s roll-ons are already diluted which makes them a good option when you want to apply it to your children’s skin. This is recommended for children over the age of 3 and make sure to do your homework regarding the safe usage of each blend.
Are you ready to explore kid-friendly aromatherapy blending with your child? Our Kid-Friendly Kit is a safe and easy place to start. Exploring it will be a great Spring Break or summer activity you can do together! To help you out, download our free workbook, the Art & Science of Blending Essential Oils, and we’ll walk you through it. Questions? Our clinical aromatherapists are available to support you.